Prevention is the only antidote to stay digitally safe…!!!

Prinal urkude
3 min readAug 9, 2021

Hello Readers, I am Prinal back again with the most vital topic i.e. Mobile Safety.

How about grabbing some examples and see what we can do? Let’s start:- A guy who works as a content writer in XYZ company, goes in a cafe to grab some coffee and do his work. All of sudden, he got a call while working on his laptop, speaking from another side that he has to send some urgent emails. He was in a quick hurry😵 so decided to connect to the cafe’s WiFi. The WiFi was open, but to get internet access he needs to sign up at their portal. He did it and after 10 mins his laptop got shut down. Luckily he had sent those emails, so he thought it might be due to low charging.

When he restarted his device and opened his Facebook profile he was shocked😱. He was shocked😑 to see that his profile was deleted just a min ago. He was going mad😫 and asked his friends, colleagues, to help him, but he couldn’t.

So, this story looks somewhat fascinating and quite unreal. It will be hard to digest that how suddenly his Fb profile can be deleted. Read once again. The answer is that when he signed up at the portal of WiFi to get access to the internet, he was trapped somewhere else. The attacker had created a fake phishing page of the sign-up form and circulated it over the WiFi transmission.

When he signed up so he got access to his browser, where he has saved his passwords to not enter again and again. This is where that guy got trapped and lost his profile. This attack is known as the “Man-In-The-Middle” Attack. He compromised his credentials, also he got access to his payment works if he has saved in it.

Possibly the prevention is crystal clear in this scenario and it’s that we should never do online transactions, important stuff over public WiFi. How urgent it might be we should look after our safety side. Similar cases have happened with different approaches and attacks like, shoulder surfing, social engineering attacks, DDoS attacks, etc.

  1. Smartphone devices are like your gold. Never share it with anyone unless and until you trust him.
  2. Never use public WiFi for confidential work. Use your hotspot instead, it’s far way good.
  3. Always keep an eye on your device battery, storage, gallery. Any suspicious thing you notice just take a backup of your data and reset completely & immediately.
  4. If your device is broken and giving to repair, make sure to remove all data with id passwords. Sometimes they use this data to blackmail or trick users anonymously.
  5. Do not use third-party apps to keep secure your device. These apps can be embedded with a payload or virus to spy on your daily activities. Keyloggers can be set which reads every text input you do.
  6. Last but not least, it’s the Human Error that leads to every crime, so don’t give it a chance, stay safe, practice the safe side for yourself.

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